quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

Star Wars Episode 7 ?

How high are your expectations for Episode 7, now that Disney has acquired LucasFilm and announced a brand new Star Wars trilogy starting in 2015?
Given the amount of venom directed at the underwhelming Episodes 1, 2 and 3, I’m guessing your expectations for 7, 8 and 9 are lower than an X-wing fighter that crash-landed onto the ice planet Hoth and got trampled by an AT-AT. Mine were, the moment this was announced.
Well, raise your sights, young Jedi. Or, as the man who sold Pixar to Disney and became its largest shareholder would put it: think different.
The more we think of what Disney brings to the equation, the more we can see the Star Wars series just got the huge shot in the arm it so sorely needed.
Remember, this is the company that bought Marvel then released the most successful, and arguably the best Marvel movie in Avengers. Disney bought the Muppets, then released last year’s The Muppets — again, the best movie in the series.
This is a company that cares about character, and knows just how to reboot a moribund franchise. It will have Kathleen Kennedy, one of the top producers in the business and partner to Steven Spielberg. It has newfound respect for consummate genre writers like Joss Whedon.
Granted, the last two Pixar movies (Cars 2 and Brave) haven’t been the best. We’ll have to see how Monsters University turns out before we worry about Disney adversely affecting Pixar output, though. Even the greatest studios don’t make great films every time. And for all that, admit it, you’d love a Pixar guy like Brad Bird to direct the next Star Wars.
Getting expectations yet?

Lucasfilm has agreed to be acquired by Disney

Lucasfilm has agreed to be acquired by Disney, a joining of forces that offers tremendous opportunities for the future of Star Wars. As the leading global family entertainment company, Disney is the perfect partner for everything Star Wars. The original six films of the Saga saw Anakin go from a young boy to a Jedi Knight to a Sith Lord and ultimately through to his redemption, but there are still many more stories to be told. With this announcement, George Lucas passes the torch to a new generation of filmmakers to make Star Wars films that will faithfully carry on the legacy.

Star Wars kingdom hearts